Sunday, July 5, 2015

day 5 & 6 : Last night in Ao Nang

Wed - 3rd June 2015

As expected, I woke up with muscle aches. What's best to do than to get more massages. As we walked out from the hotel, I was asking Hobbes "Hey, I've not seen a single cat in Krabi. I've seen dogs but it's weird they don't have cats". We really don't have an answer for that.

We chose Sukhotai to have an aloe vera massage for an hour. Got a little bit of bargain from 400 Baht to 350 Baht. I've never had an aloe vera massage but many people recommended it. I simply love it as the cool aloe vera gel touches my skin. The aloe vera massage is gentler as it meant for people with sun burn skin. As I went to retrieve my shoes, something was sleeping next to my slipper.

Cat: So, you think I don't exist here?

We went back to Family restaurant for a nice dinner. We ordered Suki, Cashew Nut Chicken rice and a Tom Yam. Costs 270 Baht. A little pricier due to the Tom Yam that costs 15 Baht. Boy, the food never fails to impress my taste buds here.

The Suki I believe has a chicken soup base with egg. It was cooked with glass noodles. The Cashew Nut Chicken rice was very yummy. Unlike the ones I tasted at home that throws in some cashew nut to call it Cashew nut chicken rice, the gravy on the rice gave a rich taste of cashew nut as well. The Tom Yam was also yummy cooked a little bit differently with coconut milk which gave it a richer flavor.

After the meal, we decided to hit our resort's pool. As we walked into the room, laziness crept in and the plan was aborted. We ended up watching TV instead. After awhile, I felt I need to do more. I wanted to have another massage. Hahaha!

So, off we went to have our third massage. I went to back to Attarak for a 60 mins Thai massage - 300 Baht. Hobbes had enough of the massage and thought I have gone all obsessed over Thai massages. So, he decided to wait for me while I had my awesome massage. While waiting for me, Hobbes were also served with cold tea and chilled towel. Not bad. I found that doing a personal massage gives almost no opportunity for the masseurs to chat among themselves. Established massage centers now know customers prefer to relax than hearing the chatters from the masseurs. This time, my session was in complete silence. Only accompanied by the relaxing music of the spa.

Comparatively, Attarak provided a less crowded atmosphere but somehow lack the warm hospitality compared to the other massage place. They just do their job. Get your massage done and you pay up. Their prices are also fixed. Anyhow, there's no fuss here as you just come here to get a no nonsense quality massage. In total, I spent RM 115 for 3 massage sessions. Total of 3.5 hours. That's a pretty good deal with one session being the aloe vera massage and another 2 sessions with a higher end spa center.

Thurs - 4th June 2015

Time to go home. Boo hoo! We needed to catch the 7AM airport bus. As we waited by the bus stand, a Song Thew pulled up offering 400 for 2 pax to the airport. First, we'rent sure if the airport bus will come on time and when we managed to bargained for the same price as the airport bus 300 for 2 pax, we hopped into the Song-Thew. This particular Song-Thew was pretty beat up. I am not sure if it's the right choice or not as the Song-Thew kept stopping and moving very slowly trying to pick up more passengers. Furthermore, the Song-Thew emits a foul gas smell and as it moved, I hear some weird noises as if the tyre is about to come off. There were even holes on the floor of the Song-Thew. Oh god! we're far away from any bus station and the only thing I wish is we get to the airport on time.

After an hour from toxic gas inhalation, we finally reached the airport. I can't stop laughing not sure if I am over-joyed or I got high from the fumes.

Checking in was breezy as there was barely any queue. It was 8AM and our boarding time was 8:30AM. However, we were not allowed to enter the immigration and to wait at our gates until 8:30AM. So weird. There were insufficient chairs so we stood there waiting. Finally, 8:30AM arrives and the gate was opened. We finally get to wait by our gate which weren't even numbered. A bus transported us to our plane which we felt we could have walked to the plane in such a short distance but anyway, what's the rush?

Soon, off we fly from Krabi!

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