Saturday, September 5, 2020

Icon Siam

8th Oct 2019

We had to pull ourselves out from our hibernation mode at Let's Relax Spa knowing that we have Icon Siam to cover. We caught a Grab car and fell asleep (again). After all, the leather seat 4WD was so comfy. When I woke up, looked at my watch and holy moly, we were in the car for almost 2 hours!

We stopped at a pier where we took a ferry to Icon Siam. 

Let's Go!

Icon Siam is one of the latest mall in Bangkok and in one word, I would describe it as ICONIC!

The fountain dance was on as we neared. Tourists like us in the ferry were gushing like we were reaching the Capitol city. Luckily we didn't tip the boat!

Landed safely

Modern & unique exterior with Thai touches

Every corners of this mall are like a work of art

The vibrant SOOK Siam corner where the place was transformed into a floating market experience.

This tricycle is still widely seen in the streets of Bangkok. Pardon me it's the first time I see this.

Flagship department store at Icon Siam.
May I say again, the interior, the display and the products are so beautiful. I felt like a ditsy little kid drooling over the irresistible dessert display. If only I can afford them, I would whack them all up. 

Looking at these made us hungry. After all, it was almost dinner time. 

We went to the top floor and would you look at the cinema? Those gorgeous chandelier and giant LED borders around the cinema playing movie previews 😍

Uniformed staffs ready at your service. It was like a superstar walking into a movie premier. 

Too bad no time for movie...hope we get a chance next time 😑
There was a roof top bar that we planned to try out but we changed our mind. Well, food here of course is pricier although you get to dine in a gigantic egg ... or nest?

After a japanese meal, we got to have "After You" dessert again. This time, we toned down and just ordered one limited edition mangosteen kakigori. What an unforgettable pure & gentle flavor. 

The mesmerizing water elements of Icon Siam

We continued on exploring the mall. 

Takasimaya's children department

Love this toy shop. Bought a present for lucky someone. 

It was almost closing time and we just continued with our window shopping while admiring the mall. Kids will surely love the playground and the dinosaurs exhibition. 

Beautiful art...can you determine what it means?

The art was titled Mother. In my perception, the tiny stones are her children. See each of her children are facing a different direction? It somewhat represents that they are grown up and living their own life but they are always in their mother's heart. Aww....

Have you seen a boutique bank before? 
Well, I haven't.

Someone needed to get her nails done. Hehe..
Jess was very pleased with the service and price. Result was so lovely. Jess don't forget I had to feed you mango sticky rice while you got your nails done 😂

A cute shop within a shop

While Jess did her nails, I checked out the most aesthetically pink restroom

We managed to catch the last water fountain dance outdoor. So happy to have a front row spot. 

We caught the ferry back to the other side. It was dark and we waited a long time for our Grab driver in front of 7-11. Turned out the Grab driver went several rounds to find a location where he can stop to pick us up. We followed his instructions to cross the street into a lane where he waited for us. He mentioned there was a massive jam where on that day, there was a religious ceremony and asked us if we wanted to take the high way but with some extra high way toll charges. We were so glad we made this choice and the driver was savvy to find all the traffic free road. We reached our hotel in about 30 mins. If not, we probably will get back past midnight. 

It has been a long day. After shower, we had one of the best midnight snack of Thai instant noodle. Look at the Onsen egg. We bought it from 7-11 and tasty. I wonder why we don't get this at home?


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