Saturday, July 4, 2020

Why Do I Still Blog?

Yes, it's a little old fashion

Yes, people prefer video contents nowadays, who likes to read words?

So why do I still blog?  💁

1. I like to write. It's "me" since I was young

2. I like to read. It's also "me" since I was young

3. I like to keep my memories in words where sometimes you can't capture in videos

4. I am not here for clout 

5. Unlike videos where people tried to monetize so much to the extent of click baiting and adverts (unless you pay for ad free). Of course blogs contain ads too but you don't need to watch it or wait x-seconds to skip it. In blogs, you just ignore it.  I don't like spending time watching a long video while sometimes you get the info straight away from reading. Do you know depending on your reading speed, you can get the info you are looking for in seconds while you have to go through minutes of videos to get the same content (even after skipping). Tik tok, tik tok. Nope, I don't mean the app but time is the essence.

6. Noise. There are too much noises in this world right now. Why not read my blog? It's peaceful unless you click on some of my videos that pops up on certain occasions.

If you want to go back to something different, I welcome you to my blog! 


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